
Last night’s Aigen Ukulele Player’s Association gathering was graced by the presence of Layoush from Hungary, a charming, talkative man who knows how to swing him some Dixie. He says his uke doesn’t get unpacked but once a year when he plays a catchy little tune that he always screws up, but me thinks he doth protesteth too much. Layoush played a bunch of music Alex and I didn’t know and, to my stunned surprise, also played some Hebrew folk songs that he learned during his “jugendarbeit” – youth work. He also knew some funny little Yiddish ditties, a lot of Beatles songs, and many Austrian folk tunes. It was a delight to have him with us, slapping out the beat and picking out melodies on his old no-name uke. He schooled us, but good, and then insisted that we’d pushed him to the edge of his abilities. When our hands were tired, our hostess, Tina, poured us some excellent wine and served up delicious snacks. I love AUPA!

What a delight. Number of happy uke players? Three!

2 thoughts on “Three”

  1. As alway I love going through your photo books. It’s a good deed you do spreading the Uke to the far corners of the world. It’s funny how you always meet the nicest people playing one.

    I couldn’t stop with just peeking at your Austrian Ukulele group… I had to browse all 14 albums via slide show… it made me sort of sad, in a way, because I didn’t stay in Europe (France) when I had the chance, so many years ago… what would my life be like now… if?


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