Round midnight

I have chamomile tea and a dose of Melatonin – I’m waiting for them to kick in so I can go back to sleep. This is my own fault, after all, I passed out at about seven this evening, I could not keep my eyes open for one more minute. This will pass, but for now, I’m stuck in the bleary no man’s land of jet lag.

This morning J and E stopped by with cereal and milk to feed us breakfast. That was excellent as we had nothing to eat in the house but well aged condiments. After breakfast, husband and I went on a short tour of the neighborhood and picked up some groceries. I tried to take a nap but failed. We’re awash in invitations to come round and the answering machine is choked with recruiter phone calls. It would be funnier if the recruiters were calling to invite us over for waffles, but nowhere near as enjoyable. Never mind, I’m happy to hear from them, too. Apparently the city is awash in work. Good news for this freelancer.

Yawn. That’s better. I’m going to have a little bite of something, then it’s back to dreamland.

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