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Suggested music for this post: Soul Meets Body. Death Cab. No, I’m NOT “getting over” Death Cab. Stop telling me it’s time. The past few nights I’ve been dreaming about Europe. I wake up thinking of Germany or Italy or someplace I know is Europe but can’t quite identify. Last night I was standing in …

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Street Corner Giveaway

It’s a little bit like seeing an elephant standing around your neighborhood. And in my easily diverted mind, this brings up all kinds of questions. Where did it come from? Why is it outside? Who’s going to take it away and how? The short story possibilities are endless. In the meantime, round up a couple …

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Fish Wednesday, Shellfish Edition

The fish guy at Madison Market told me that the reason you never see fresh shellfish is that it doesn’t keep long enough. They used to get some fresh shellfish there, but they stopped bothering because they’d just end up freezing it when they couldn’t sell it all fast enough. I do like to shop …

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National Soup Swap Day is January 23rd, 2007

No, it’s not a joke. My post about Soup Swap was picked up at BlogHer, where it was found by the soup loving goddesses of The Gracious Bowl, a DC blog about, yes, SOUP. Inspired by our soupy goodness, they decided to host their own. Meanwhile, in Boston, the Wooden Spoon of Power was passed …

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Grinch Proof

My pal K. called me about a week ago. “You gotta learn to play this song,” he said. I was kinda ambivelent – my original ambition had been to learn a good classic Hannukah song for the Seattle Ukulele Player’s Association holiday party. I started fishing around for music and everything was minor key and …

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Karaoke Kraziness

I went to a lovely birthday party last night. The company was most entertaining, the food was delicious, the cake, wow. For post dinner party time amusement, the host had rented a karaoke machine. I don’t like to sing in front of people I don’t know. I’m too nervous. But that did not stop me …

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