Fish Wednesday: Tuesday Multitasking Edition

Grilled SnapperThank heavens for the arrival of summer-like days to the Pacific Northwest! Nothing says summer in Seattle like a plate of grilled fish. It’s not summer, not yet, and longer term residents know that this is just a short honeymoon until we return to the frigid conditions of Spring. But does that keep us from putting on a pair of shorts, starting up the Barbie, and slapping on some nice oily fish fillets? No sir, it does not.

I’m out of practice with the grill. I was able to start the fire just fine, but I charred the daylights out of the vegetables. The inside of the leeks were sweet and oniony, but the outside? Paper. The asparagus tips crumbled to charcoal dust, though there were plenty that remained edible. The fish was simple, coated in olive oil, a little chili oil, black pepper, and a bit of kosher salt. I knew better than to walk away from it. Though plain, it was perfectly cooked and quite delicious.

It’s nice to set the grill right outside the back door and wander back and forth to the kitchen. I’d positioned the BBQ so I could see it from my desk – while chunking through the text edits for my current money earning projects, I could look out on the whitening coals. Nice multitasking, no? Though it’s the same multitasking that caused me to burn the asparagus.

Note to self: Multitasking is okay while starting the coals, but once they’re done, go cook, okay?

We sat in the backyard, plates on our knees. The neighbor pushed his little one around in a car on the other side of the low fence that divides our yards. “We’re going to Disneyland,” he said. “Lucky you!” I replied, but honestly, with plates of BBQ fish and a sunny Seattle evening in our quiet backyard, we were really the lucky ones.

[tags]Fish Wednesday[/tags]

3 thoughts on “Fish Wednesday: Tuesday Multitasking Edition”

  1. Mmmmm! Love that grilled fish. It’s a German (and Austrian?) holiday tomorrow so we’ll be charring the asparagus tips then. Enjoy your fancy weather. 🙂

  2. That looks damn good. it’s raining and cold like a november day here. the forecast is cold and rainy. are they kidding? i want to be grilling. even if we don’t have a grill. i want to be eating skewered food! instead, we’re making polenta and warm soup. wtf!


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