Spring, After Noon

Yesterday afternoon I was a weird combination of restless and lethargic. Earlier that day I’d handed in my corporate laptop — the nine month contract that saved me from a very bad work market was over, I’d been replaced by a full time on-site “resource”, one more willing than I am to sit in a designated chair for 40 hours a week. Without the additional 7 pounds of hardware in my backpack, I was feeling considerably lighter, nervous and celebratory at the same time.

About two months ago I picked up another part time gig; I’ve been (badly) managing two work calendars plus any writing I ought to be doing, missing breakfast dates, showing up late, falling in disorganized dreams and waking up tired. We needed the money, it made sense, but I am glad it’s over.

Yesterday was bright with a little bluster. Lighter without my corporate gig, I tied my shoes and went out into the sun. J and I walked to Bird on a Wire, a funky little coffee house about a mile away, conveniently located across the street from our nearest library. An older couple, maybe retired, chatted with the barrista, called him by name. He gave me my coffee and a cookie and spoke with a fake Italian accent, smiling. “In honor of, uh, St. Patrick’s day, that’s it!”

Yellow and white daffodils are up in neat gardens around the neighborhood — and in my messy garden. The wind blows gold swaths of tree pollen, it settles on flat surfaces, you can draw lines in it with your fingers or swear at it, like I do. The day before yesterday, the wind took out our power for three hours, starting around 2:30, so we went out then, too, to a different cafe and when we came home, our neighbor was out back playing with his little girl in the late afternoon sunshine.

Yesterday, we walked around our neighborhood, I wore a scarf but no coat. We walked in the alleys, avoiding big shiny puddles, and looked at the artist’s rendering of the new fire house, and J pulled dry flowers off lavender and rosemary plants. He rubbed them in his hands and opened them, letting out the scent and handing the crushed leaves and petals to me.

Free time on a bright afternoon is a luxury. It is undeniably spring.

Bird on a Wire Coffee

5 thoughts on “Spring, After Noon”

  1. Glad to hear you are now juggling only one work schedule now. Hopefully, it will give you more time to enjoy the beauty of the spring and summer without causing you too much serious financial problems.

  2. Yay to Spring being here!!! And yay to the change that is taking place in your life. It’s pretty fitting that the seasons are changing the same time your life is as well. Love the synchroncity of it! I lost my power yesterday as well btw.

  3. We all do what we need to do in tough times, but try as you might, I know the FT corporate gig is just not your “thing.” Here’s to brighter spring opportunities coming your way that satisfy both the business and creative side of your soul.

  4. I’ve always considered taking a bath in the middle of a weekday afternoon the highest of luxuries. It just seems so… unnecessary, lethargic, and wonderful. Wandering around without an agenda seems on par with that – I’m glad you were able to!

  5. We’re stuck with a restrictive framework for work in our lives, and when you chafe against that, it’s nice to know there are folks out there who understand. Thank you, all.


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