Revising 1492

1492. For Americans, this date is common knowledge, we know it from a school rhyme.  In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Funded by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, Columbus sailed to the West Indies. A chain of exploration and exploitation followed, and the colonization of the Americas. What’s less common …

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About TBEX Europe…

Time again, kids, for inside baseball. Not interested? I don’t blame you! Here’s a weird little post about a character I met in Alaska. You could read that instead or hey, just go outside. I’ve found it rather difficult to summarize my experience at TBEX Girona. I was so glad to be there and I …

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Things I Liked Near Bend, Oregon

Thanks to the folks at Eagle Crest Resort, the husband and I were able to spend a few fall days exploring central Oregon. Here’s a list of things that I thought were totally worthwhile in the region. Links will take you to practical information about these places, I’m just giving you the “why.” The Sparrow …

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The TBEX Girona Sessions

If you missed our session at TBEX, I compiled the meat of the conversation Will Peach and I have been having about travel writing here: Will Peach and Pam Mandel on Creative Travel Writing

A Long Drive in Central Oregon

The drive from Seattle to central Oregon gets better when you leave the interstate behind. The road curves around the lower flanks of Mount Hood through pine forests. In late summer it’s still hot but because this year has been rainy, things are green and the air smells fresh. At each third bend or so, …

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Competing with Astronauts

I wrote this piece for the TBEX website — I’ll be doing a co-presentation there on how to tell a creative travel story. I’ve posted the first paragraph here and followed it with a link to the complete post. We go places. We write some things down. We think that our experience matters, that what …

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