This Ukulele Will Change Your Life and The Lives of Others. No, Really.

-1- Things I like better than the ukulele. Um. Yeah. I mean, besides, you know, obvious stuff like loved ones and quality baked goods and the adventure of travel…Uh. Um. Oh, you know what’s about as good as the ukulele? Seeing how happy you are, hooked on your own ukulele. And this one, this ukulele, …

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The Opposite of Africa

This is how you know you are in Africa—when the houses, roads, the tires on your car, and even the soles of your feet become stained red-orange from the iron-rich soil that covers so much of this great continent. Wearing sunglasses heightens the red color so that the land just seems to glow like a …

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Thank You

Dear Readers, I have Elton John on the radio and a really good cup of coffee. On the stove top, there’s a big pot of peeled potatoes waiting for their transition to mash and in the oven, so it’s protected from errant drafts, a batch of sourdough that I hope will rise. The weekend ahead …

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Pictures from the Bike

My hands hurt from the cold. To get to the flat part of the trail, I drop nearly 800 feet to the waterfront and then, turn north. That drop is fast, so the wind runs right through me, my eyes tear up and my fingertips ache inside my gloves. It doesn’t seem to matter how …

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