It freaked my eyes out to be standing in so much color. On prior visits to the Skagit Valley flower fields I’ve seen mostly tulips — the reddish flowers in stripey rows of green leaves seem to vibrate even on days when there’s not a breath of wind. It’s a complementary color thing — theorists and arts school types will nod, like, “Oh, yeah, that…” but you’ll find them gazing off towards the horizon, as hypnotized as someone who’s got no explanation for it. Guilty as charged.

There were some tulips on this trip, but mostly it was vast fields of yellow (and some white) daffodils. The sky was soft and gray but the flowers no less bright for the muted sun; in fact, standing in the midst of the flowers was like standing in a field surrounded by knee high desk lamps, all of them shining a bright golden light up at you. I was wearing sunglasses but squinting in the glare that appeared to be coming from the flowers themselves.

In answer to your question, no, it’s not too late. Everyone I asked — and I asked several local folks — said the tulips should be prime at right around Easter, but if it’s daffodils you want, you need to go now. They’re just about done.

- Here’s the website for the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and here’s the bloom map that shows you what’s in flower where. Even though the flowers are early, the tulip festival will run on schedule.
- Heads up for the hay-feverish: You will get a snout full of pollen. It’s worth it, but you might want to be prepared.
- The fried oysters at The Oyster and the Thistle? Good lord. Go get ’em. They might be the best I’ve ever had.
- Yes, I’m still shooting that three year old Panasonic Lumix. I’m keen to get the new one when it’s out. It’s on pre-order, here (affiliate link).
- And here is the perfect spring tune.
I love this. Made me miss living there. I think we did the Skagit Valley tulip fest in 1999 and ate bbq salmon somewhere. I still remember all the tulip tchotchkes for sale. Loved it.