Blessed Meat, Bonfires, and Blasphemy

I go to lots of churches but there’s never anyone in there when I’m poking around. I’m a sucker for iconography and medieval painting and crazy gothic interiors. Beautiful old churches – some of them so old as to have Roman foundations – are all over the place in Austria. This morning the church in …

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Yes, Virginia, there is a Matzoh Claus

I was rescued from the sadness of a Seder free spring by the woman who answered my mail to the synagogue in Graz. “Yes, there’s an event you can go to, you just need to email the synagogue, but why don’t you come to our house?” she asked. How could I refuse such a kind …

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The Year Without a Passover

For the last two weeks I have been hunting for a suitable Seder to attend and tragically, I have failed. When you look for community Seders in my Seattle home, you are presented with endless options — interfaith and conservative and gay and Sephardic and oh, there’s a whole Smorgasbord of Seders to choose from. …

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Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday. I was going to watch the procession with a friend, but she had a skiing accident yesterday and begged off. (She’s fine, just sore.) J. offered to take me but I was having a slow morning  and opted to skip it. I did find a bit of footage from the 1920s …

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Von Beruf

“What’s your occupation?” Such a loaded question for a slacker like me.

Best in Show

We got up early this morning and drove up to Oeblarn to attend Sheep Farmer Days – Schafbauerntag. I wanted to look at sheep, find out what makes a prize winner, and see some folks in lederhosen. Did I get my wish? Boy howdy. Pictures are here. Baaaaa.