Accomodation Review: Eva Holland’s Apartment

In Whitehorse, the Yukon Territory’s bustling little city on the banks of the mighty Yukon River, you’ll find an acceptable array of accommodations that include a Ramada, a Best Western, and a few other modest but functional hotels. You’ll be fine, warm and comfortable. But if you’re looking for something with more local flair than …

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Zero and Starting to Snow

Yes, it’s cold. Temperatures in Whitehorse hover around 0F. (You read that right, zero Fahrenheit. A reminder: 32F is freezing.) Temps are predicted to drop in the next few days. And yes, it’s a dry cold, it’s arid, my eyes itch and my nose aches and my lips are like sandpaper. To go outside, I …

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The Same River Twice

He was tall and good looking and had what the Brits call a public school accent. That means he went to an expensive prep school where he learned to talk pretty. He liked to dance to pop music and to drink beer and he liked to travel. His father wanted him to train to be …

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A Sixty Mile Nap

I fell asleep in the car on the interstate. There was a big stormy sky all around, and the trucks threw great plumes of water across the windshield but I slept anyway. I had piled the coats on top of me and turned up the heat, not quite all the way, and the rain and …

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Walking in LA

I had been quite firm in my “I hate LA” sentiments until I skittered down for a short overnight. LAX, the international airport, remains my least favorite airport on the planet (with Chicago’s O’Hare being a close second) but once I disembarked the Flyaway bus (7 dollars to downtown, and fast!) at Union Station, my …

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The Opposite of Africa

This is how you know you are in Africa—when the houses, roads, the tires on your car, and even the soles of your feet become stained red-orange from the iron-rich soil that covers so much of this great continent. Wearing sunglasses heightens the red color so that the land just seems to glow like a …

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