Things I Liked Near Bend, Oregon

Thanks to the folks at Eagle Crest Resort, the husband and I were able to spend a few fall days exploring central Oregon. Here’s a list of things that I thought were totally worthwhile in the region. Links will take you to practical information about these places, I’m just giving you the “why.” The Sparrow …

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A Long Drive in Central Oregon

The drive from Seattle to central Oregon gets better when you leave the interstate behind. The road curves around the lower flanks of Mount Hood through pine forests. In late summer it’s still hot but because this year has been rainy, things are green and the air smells fresh. At each third bend or so, …

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Three Bridges at the Crooked River Gorge

“We’ve been here before,” the husband said. “We walked out here and looked over the edge, but the bridge was still used by cars. We drove over it.” “What were we doing? Coming back from Montana? Idaho? That was years ago. 1996? 1997? When did we make that trip to the Rockies? It must have …

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For Andrew: How to Fall in Love with Waikiki

Dear Andrew; I have a confession. I kind of hated Waikiki the first time I was there. That’s not an unusual sentiment — I’ve heard lots of tourists dislike it, the shoulder to shoulder hotels, the terrible traffic, the shopping mall feel… if you’re not a fan of crowds or cream colored designer store fronts …

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Book Passage Conference 2012: The Wrap

“What did you learn from your students this year?” It was lunchtime and I was sitting with two women I’d seen throughout the weekend but hadn’t spent any time with. I was tired, I had been at the book store until 2am the previous night and I hadn’t slept particularly well. It was the last …

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By the Beautiful Sea

Our room was in the basement and the windows looked out onto a forest. It was quiet so I slept late and I was surprised to see sunshine slicing through the blinds. When we’d arrived the afternoon before, the fog was rolling in from the ocean and the temperature was dropping, dropping, dropping, but it …

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