Postcard from Pahala

I want to tell you some things about what it’s like to be in this part of Hawaii. I want to tell you about how there’s a big hole in the lawn out in front of this big old plantation house and how there’s a chicken wire wrapped pig lying on its back, trotters up, …

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The Ukulele Connection

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. The first time I went to Hawaii, I got crazy from the sound of the ukulele. When I returned to Seattle, I’d decided that I was going to make that sound myself. I had no idea how this was going to happen, only that it was. I …

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Columbia River Gorge

Broughton Lumber Yard, Rasmussen’s Pumpkin Funland, Draper Girls Farm, and Knead Bakery.  

Old Dogs and Angels

The dog is a big black lab with a gray muzzle. I squat down to look at him, I want to pet him but I don’t want to startle him. I’m using my “talk to dogs” voice, but he’s not turning his head. I’m holding my camera low to the ground, at dog nose height, …

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A South Lake Tahoe Weekend

Disclaimer: Our two nights at the Holiday Inn Express South Lake Tahoe, were comped. All other expenses, we covered. Photo: Bayview Trail, Desolation Wilderness by Galileo 55 via Flickr (Creative Commons). I want to write a bit of a shiny post about Lake Tahoe. I would like to talk about how it’s been years since …

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On Safari

Eli has a smile that would shame the noon day sun. It breaks through the morning darkness, I recognize him before I recognize anyone else at the early camp fire. “Good morning, Eli,” I say, and he says the same thing, always, “Are you ready? Good to go?” sweetly, in his Tanzanian accented English. We …

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