Old Stones and Rusty Languages

There are twenty of them, total, taking up the better portion of the back of the bus. It’s a luxury bus, with train style seating, rows of two seats facing each other across a table with cup holders. They’re chattering away in Spanish, of course. The guide parks me next to the only other gringo …

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Driving Back from Chichen Itza

Shot out the bus window with my little Olympus pocket camera. While this isn’t great editing, it was done with little to no effort in my hotel room using Windows Movie Maker.

Conversations in Cancun

“Miss, let me give you a map. Miss, let me invite you to an event. Miss, are you married?” “Yes, I’m married.” “No wedding ring! Where is your husband? You don’t want to lie and say you’re single and go to this party? It’s for single ladies!” “Now, how would your wife feel if you …

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Ecotourist with a Giant Carbon Footprint

It’s noon and I’m standing on the pier at the AquaFun Marina. “Is it just me?” I ask the guy who’s been assigned to me as a sort of handler, as though I might go rogue. “No, no, these groups are about 20 people.” I point at the flat pontoon type boat. “So we go …

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Things I Like About Cancun, So Far

The sound of the surf. Hearing the drivers, bellboys, staffers here and there say “Mucho gusto” after we’ve been chatting for a while and they decide to introduce themselves. Charmers, everywhere. In the hotel lobby, the ten piece Latin band in matching shirts and the South Indian family dancing. Watching three huge dark birds — …

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