Buy the Extra Insurance, Already.

It’s like a horror movie for your wallet. Funny how you can barely see the damage in the video footage. The part of Kermit the Frog is played by Peter Carey, stunned passenger, Kelly Goodman.

Re[Think] Hawaii & TEDx Honolulu

I’d been invited to travel to Oahu by the Oahu Visitor’s Bureau in exchange for blogging about my adventures there. At the same time, Christine Lu was planning re[Think] Hawaii, a small conference about start-ups, sustainability, and social media and the dates lined up perfectly. Christine generously waived the attendance fee in exchange for… well, …

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The Amateur Traveler Podcast: Hawaii — Lanai and Molokai

Chris had me as his guest on the Amateur Traveler, we talked about… Hawaii. Lanai and Molokai, specifically and I don’t sound like TOO much of an idiot. Have a listen. Amateur Traveler Episode 206 – Travel to Molokai and Lanai in Hawaii

Making Mochi

There’s a whole complicated process around making mochi that I can’t explain properly. I remember something about a mallet and a lot of pounding, and how it’s some unfortunate person’s role to flip the mochi between swings of the mallet. There’s a lot of pounding and the end result is something that’s a lot like …

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Aloha Oe

What is as sad as leaving Hawaii? A few places in the world, they call to you, they crawl up your sleeve and slip right between your ribs close to your heart. For me, Hawaii is one of those places. And when I must pack to leave, the weight of that is impossible. This evening, …

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