Giveaway: Hazel Mail Postcards

Hey, did I send you a postcard? I won a whole pack of them from Trusty Pony and for grins, I mailed them all out to my Twitter followers. I hear the postcards came out pretty nice, though in retrospect, I wish I’d mailed one to myself just to see first hand. Happily, now you …

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Aloha, Holoholo Wale.

That title makes no sense unless you happen to know that the name of my Hawaii blog was Holoholo Wale. I’m really sad to tell you that my World Hum Hawaii blog has been shut down.

Sunset, Waikiki

It was a business decision, a lay off, essentially. World Hum had to cut loose the half dozen or so bloggers they’d added to the site early this year. There’s a post here from one of the editors and one more aloha from me here.

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A Handful of Reviews

The great thing about being unemployed — okay, one of the great things — is the amount of time it frees up for reading. I’m oh-so-bookish and it’s been really nice to finally plow through the piles of reading material that’s stacked up next to the bed. And one of the fun things about being …

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Our Hawaii Stays

Disclaimer: We were comped for our Waikiki stays. On Kauai, we received 2 nights free and 3 at a very deep discount. It’s occurred to me that as much as I came back from Hawaii full of stories about new places, I never did write about where we stayed. And I should have, because they …

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Ay Caramba! Que Lastima!

It looks, in my house, as though someone is going off traveling. My suitcase is packed and sitting on my bed. My day pack is loaded with airplane items, there’s even a dose of surreptitiously acquired Ambien in my wallet for the red eye. I have a huge stack of books from the library about …

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