Travel Gear I Love: Merrell Shoes

It was my fault. I wrecked them by letting the tide catch me, but until the salt of the Pacific destroyed them, my Merrell mary janes were the “don’t leave home without them” shoes. I had worn down the soles but good by wearing them, well, everywhere. They were functional, I could wear them to …

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BC Slideshow

There’s a slideshow from our trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island here. And credit where it’s due – at least half of these were taken by Mr. NEV.

Vancouver & Vancouver Island Lightning Round Reviews

We’re just back from four days in the Great White North. We had a lot of freezing fog – wow, that’s something you don’t want to experience every day, though it does make for some spectacular scenery. Our trip was a press trip – the PR company for BC Ferries is trying to promote their …

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Fishing and Fish and Chips

We’re standing on the bridge leaning over the rail. The light is sending bright sparkles back into the sky, into my eyes. We’ve come to watch Harold Joe fish. He’s got a long double tipped spear, it’s maybe 12 feet long, one end is on the rail in front of us, one behind. The Cowichan …

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Open Your Eyes and Think of England

The fog is sneaky, it reaches up my coat sleeves and down my  collar. My socks are short so if my feet are somehow angled such that the fog can reach up past my ankles, it does that too. I wonder how is it that my pants are damp even though I finally got around …

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