Aloha? Oy. Or, a Travel Writer’s Angst

When I retire to the islands, I will run a smallish chain of bagel shops named “Aloha Oy.” We’ll serve a tuna with bacon sandwich called “Fish and Goy.” Oh, come on. It’s hilarious. As I mentioned last week, I’m pondering a book contract for a Hawaii travel guide. You’re saying to yourself, “What’s to …

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Counterpoint: You’re an Effing Hippie

I’m involved in a bloggy smackdown over at Brave New Traveler. The issue at hand? The writer advocates dumpster diving as a way to score food while traveling and I hate that idea so much I can’t really stop calling him on it. I am an opinionated bloviating tiresome person. So much so that I …

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American Propaganda

“It was shocking, really, shocking,” she says to me. This is my delightful 19 year old niece who’s been visiting from Austria for the past month. The source of her surprise? The civility at Bumbershoot, a famous Seattle music festival. What on earth could be so shocking about a music festival? “Well, for starters, everyone …

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2 Cameras, 15 Hours, 300 Photographs

It’s dawn and we’re heading north. To the east, a pink orange light is just peeking over the mountains. To the west, the fat full moon still hangs low in the sky. The slough is covered with a low mist that hangs at what appears to be, as we fly by on the freeway, about …

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Preview: Last Stop for Paul

I wanted to hate Last Stop for Paul from the get go. The frat boy aesthetic, the talk of “chicks”, the gonzo attitude, the beer, babes, and bong hits. I wanted to hate it. But I couldn’t. I was worn down by the understated charm of the premise and the absolutely true to life representation …

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Chicago City Center Hotel: You Are Rather Mediocre

I don’t stay in a lot of hotels – the universe is generous to me and often finds a way to insinuate me into the homes of locals. I declined that offer this time because I had the idea that sprawling solo in a swank downtown hotel would be a fun and unusual diversion. I …

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