
See you on the other side of the calendar.

Where Planes are Made : Boeing Factory Tour

We had comped admission to the tour — I’ve got an assignment to write about Seattle from a Jet City perspective. There’s something super freaky about looking down upon jumbo jets as they’re being built. The huge birds still look enormous and my brain struggled with the scale. Then, to think that entire sections of …

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On Taking the Bolt Bus to Portland

We’ve had Bolt Bus service in the Pacific Northwest for a little over a year now. The line runs nonstop to Portland from Seattle, making it possibly the most efficient way to visit our hipster neighbors to the south. It’s cheap, comfortable, fast, and has some nice amenities. There’s a toilet cabinet at the back …

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There’s a park down on the water, about a mile from my house and it’s full of towering cedar and spruce trees. When I drove into our neighborhood, I could just see the tops of the trees poking through the fog and I could not see the water at all, so thick was the blanket …

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Winter Garden

I had the flu during the spring planting season and summer was busy with work so I never did get a garden in. But I’m making up for it this fall. The first round of kale seedlings — and the beets — are appearing, they’re just about ready to be thinned. And I put in …

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Undersea Critters at the Seattle Aquarium

“Aren’t you pretty?” the woman cooed. “Look at you, you’re the sweetest thing!” She pressed her hand up against the glass, simulating contact. “Oh, you sweet thing!” she said. “They’re not usually this social,” said the volunteer. “This one’s got quite the personality. She’s very curious. Usually, they hide, they’re solitary by nature. But this …

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