Sunday at The Experience Music Project

I’ve been to the Experience Music Project only once before and with a very specific goal in mind: see Ernie. The EMP was having a Muppets retrospective. There was a lot of cool early Jim Hensen artwork and two things that made me surprisingly emotional — Ernie and Cookie Monster. They were big and they …

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Saturday at the Zoo

I know lots of people who hate zoos, won’t visit them, no way, no how. I am ambivalent. It is exciting to be able to get a good close look at animals that most people never see outside their television. But it is also hard to look at the critters and consider where they “should” …

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Hometown Boy at Seattle Asian Art Museum

Liu Xiadong‘s paintings are modern — meaning they are of this time — and they look Western to me. The thick application of the paint, the rough expressive brush work, it’s the legacy of painters like John Singer Sergeant or the California school painters, some of whom taught my teachers. Painters like David Park and …

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Denali Sunrise

While staying in Talkeetna, I had to get up stupidly early for a media breakfast. But when I looked out the window at 5:45 am, getting up that early seemed very smart indeed.

Backyard Hummers

  I took a break during my work day to hang out with the hummers in my backyard. I went out again at the end of the day and the little guy on the line — the one with the bright blue sky behind him let me stand right next to him and snap his …

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