Angry with Israel

Update: Only two of the women shot were Jewish and the quote from the shooter varies from he said “he hated Israel” to he was “angry with Israel.” That hasn’t changed my feelings any. Last night, I rode my bike down to the International District to join some friends for dinner. I crossed paths with …

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Bon Odori Festival

Click here for Bon Odori music (Windows Media Player) and here for pictures. During the Bon Odori festival in Seattle, our Japanese American neighbors put on traditional dress and dance in the streets to honor their ancestors. There are taiko drums and snacks and exhibits in the Buddhist temple. It’s also a very welcoming festival …

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Hey Baby, It’s the Fourth of July

Early on the morning of the fourth we woke up to a strange noise. It’s been unseasonably warm here in Seattle and we’ve been going to bed with the windows open. Instead of birds waking us at daybreak, however, it was rain. There was a cool breeze coming in the window and it smelled clean. …

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The Family + Seattle = Good Times!

Starting last Friday, we had invasion of the family members. They didn’t all show up at once, which allowed for variety in the outings. Seattle is nothing less than paradise at this time of year and there’s no end of excellent things to do. You can send your guests away saying “Man, they live in …

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You’re Here, You’re Queer…

…we’re used to it.                   When the gay pride parade becomes way more about corporate entitiies and way less about the rights of our gay citizens, maybe it’s been mainstreamed a little TOO much. After all, the parade has been, up until now, a fun and FABulous …

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