Sew What?

I’m working on an article about why wool is a superior material for outdoor sports clothing. It might sound boring as a general concept, but spend one winter in Austria. That will change your mind. Anyway, I’ve talked to a couple of companies that make wool blend stuff – long underwear, lightweight jerseys, you know. …

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It’s a Monochrome Day in the Neighborhood

Note to Cap Hill residents: If you are going to place an object outside, any kind of object, please make sure you select your background to match the object. The above photo shows an excellent example of these principals in correct use. Thank you.

Cuter than a basket of…

I’m crabby about any number of things. About how my back hurts. About how John Roberts didn’t have to submit his essay questions to me. About my fat blood high cholesterol. About how hurricane aid was dropped in to Florida before Rita hit land and no such thing happed in Nawlins. About how even though …

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Bumper Crop

Every year, I put tomato plants in the ground and every year I think this: Not gonna happen. I fret about how scrawny the plants are. I fret about what an apathetic gardener I am. I don’t water enough, I water too much, I don’t weed enough, I forget about the plants for days at …

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Vasona Park, 1973

L and I were little kids together. Maybe our families met at temple, I’m not really sure. While we did have the random Passover together, most of my memories are from days at the park feeding the ducks, big picnics with other families, and the night my youngest brother was born. L’s mom gave me …

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Blue Monday

Won’t you be my neighbor? I’m really sad. See, my neighbors are moving out. One of them left yesterday and the other one moves in a week or so. I live upstairs in a subdivided 1914 house and they’ve been living on the first floor. They have been the Best Neighbors Ever and I’m really …

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