Neighborhood Superheroes

It was windy and the flowers had fallen over. The note on the door said that the Wing Luke Museum, right behind me, would be collecting the notes and gifts left here, archiving them for the family. I didn’t know who the guy was or what had happened, only that it wasn’t that long ago …

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Dahlia Obsessions

Jeff Sandys was gently pulling each petal of a miniature dahlia and pasting it into a 10×10 grid. There’s a raffle and the winner who guessed the number of petals on this particular flower would win, “Oh, I don’t know, I think it’s 25 dollars,” Jeff said, waving his long hands. “Do you grow?” Jeff …

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Mount Rainier, August

The snow has receded so much from the peak of Mount Rainier that the caldera — the round crater of the volcano — was visible, a thin line of black stone against the white of what little snow there is. The snow pack is half what it should be this year and 50 inches less …

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When you stalk the bees in your yard, you start to learn that there are several different kinds. The fluffy black bumblebees in the Charlie Brown shirts. The stripey cartoon kind. The really big kind with the waspy waist. They rarely sit still enough so you can see their bumble faces, but you always get …

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Low Tide at Constellation Park

The Seattle Aquarium has a volunteer beach naturalist program — they send good natured sea-life loving nerds down to the shores of Puget Sound when the tides are low to educate us plebeians about what lives in our tidal zone. I adore these people. Dressed in safari vests and red Beach Naturalist baseball caps, they …

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7 Ways Your Brazilian Girlfriend is Cheating On You

Limited time value media wonkishness ahead. You can read this, or hey, for a better use of your time, read this story by Clementine  Wamiraya who fled the Rwanda massacres. Man, what a read. I’ve seen worse contributor plans than Hearst Publishing’s The Mix. You apply to be a contributor and if you’re approved, you’re …

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