Travel on BlogHer

I’ve been doing some interviews for my travel posts over on BlogHer. A couple of days ago I talked with Ross Borden of Matador Travel – that’s here. And earlier in April I talked with Mary Sanderson from American Airlines about their new women-focused presence on the web. That’s here. I’ve got two more interviews …

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Scallops with Grudge

I would like to think that I am the kind of person who does not hold a grudge, but I am finding that not to be the case. I feel a certain sense of indignation, though I’m too sheepish about it to feel righteous indignation. “Jeezus,” I exclaimed, while sticking a fork in my seared …

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What Would Jesus Subscribe To?

Update: We know who was responsible for this and have sufficient evidence to prove it. A police report has been filed. The very nice officer informed me that this is actually quite a serious crime as it’s not only harassment at this scale, but mail fraud, which is punishable by quite a long stint in …

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Farmer’s Market

We didn’t make it to the water taxi, being distracted by more land-based activities, but we did make the opening day of the farmer’s market. A duo played classic tunes on banjo and standup base, a young man with a impressive amount of product in his hair handed out tiny cupcakes, and earnest environmentally minded …

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