
There was a lot more last night. This morning, it’s just little details. Lemme tellya, it’s nice change from the rain.

Fish Tales

It snowed in the Cascades. The current forecast is for the snow level to drop to 1000 feet. My house, on top of a hill, sits at about 800 feet. When it snows in Seattle, it snows at my house. It’s been bitter cold for the last few days so a little snow on the …

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Thank You.

Click the image for full size, more readable. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. The Internet. It’s a freakin’ miracle. The expats, for your genuine sympathy and understanding. Hooray for people who get it. The Seattle Ukulele Players Association for making music part of my life. The Tech Writing Superfriends, for sharing leads …

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Fish Wednesday: Sole Food Edition

I’ve been a little under the weather lately, fighting with a chest cold. It doesn’t help that good lord, the city is still filthy with rain. I’ve been slamming the zinc and echinacea, crawling off to bed mid-day, and generally wallowing in lethargy. Two things converged today that forced me out of the house. First, …

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The Accidental Expatriate

I had a Romper Room moment while reading a travel column on Yahoo the other day. (For non-Romper Room kids, Miss Mary Ann used to hold up the magic mirror and say “I see Jimmy and Kelly and Margaret and and and…I see you!”) I saw my expat friends. See, the column is entitled “Exploring …

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Room with a View

Looking down the alley towards the south from my Seattle bedroom. That big old volcano in the distance is Mount Rainier and yes, you really can see it from my house. The best view is from the shower, but setting up the tripod in the bathtub is really awkward. I’m messing around with high ISOs …

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