Angry with Israel

Update: Only two of the women shot were Jewish and the quote from the shooter varies from he said “he hated Israel” to he was “angry with Israel.” That hasn’t changed my feelings any. Last night, I rode my bike down to the International District to join some friends for dinner. I crossed paths with …

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Fish Wednesday

If you sit at the counter in Moli Bento on 15th, you can look out the window and in the distance, you’ll see Puget Sound. You’re a little far away to really see the ferries and freighters, but hey, you’re in a bento/teriyaki joint, what do you want for six bucks? This is what you …

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Consumer Reports

I kinda miss my ’85 Tercel. It’s gone now, but that weird little car really did make everything more interesting.

Sport Uke

A month or two back I ordered a sport uke, a little Flea to take camping and on airplanes and leave in the hot car when I’m on some epic road trip. Yesterday I picked up my mango colored travel companion. The strings are slipping a little coz they’re new, but this little guy sounds …

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Eat Write

I’m writing my first restaurant review. While I have written lots and lots about food – especially Asian food and cake – I haven’t produced a professional review before. I’m confident I’m up to the task, but I am not too proud to look for help. First, I asked my friend Knox, a critical diner …

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