Laundry Quandaries

For as long as I’ve been coming to Austria, laundry has been much more than a mundane chore. It’s been an existential crisis. There’s been much anxiety around who does the laundry, when it’s done, and where. It’s a whole thing with cultural identity and family structures, trust me, you don’t want to know. Things …

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A Day in the Life

I am, always have been, a hopelessly early riser. Husband gets up at the crack of to go to work. Earlier this winter, when it was still pitch dark when he crawled out of bed, I went back to sleep, but now that daylight is leaking in, I’m getting up too. My mornings are very …

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Burkah Blues

On Sunday afternoon I was flipping through the newspaper at MIL’s house. I had a nice piece of cake in front of me. A big spoonful of whipped cream was dissolving in to my coffee. I can’t really read the Kronen Zeitung, plus, I’m always put off by the topless girl on page three. “This …

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My Favorite Kaiser

Yesterday we buzzed up to Wels to do a little city shopping. I ordered my new specs and we dropped in to an attractive old apoteke to pick up some more of an excellent homeopathic goop for muscle and joint injuries. We had kaffee and kuchen under crystal chandeliers at the Cafe Hoffman. Then we …

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Drag Queens and Drunk Mozarts

We were in town for not 10 minutes when a tall man in a dirdnl and a blonde wig walked right up to me and kissed me on the cheek. No introduction, nothing, his arms spread out, his hands facing upwards as though he was greeting an old friend. His companion, a similarly attired person …

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