Mad (about) Max

Medieval Jewish costume In 1497, Maximilian I tossed the Jews out of Graz. This was the culmination of a bunch of lobbying work that pitted the Jews against the anti-Semites. The Jews were willing to pay to stay, the anti-Semites were willing to pay more to have them leave. I was lying awake steaming about …

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Mozart Nerdio

Too lazy to read my last post? I’ll read it to you! Listen to it here as a podcast. It’s an mp3 so it should play in anything. If you want to get real personal, wear headphones. Production Notes: This is take two, I’ve swapped the mic – getting a little more echo, a lot …

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Happy Birthday, Wolfgang!

Mozart is an venerable 250 years old today. The feeding frenzy in Austria leading up to this event began some time ago. My favorite odd by product of this marketing extravaganza is the Mozart-Wurst, a violin shaped sausage made from beef, pork, and pistachios. The creater, butcher Stefan Fuchs from Groedig, said the idea came …

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Linky Deliciousness Wins Out Over Me Me Me

I don’t keep my blogroll (link lists) up to date. I wouldn’t assume that just because it’s a link on my site it has value to you. Plus, I use Bloglines for most of my reading, so I don’t need a current list on my site for my own purposes. Also, a list is just …

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The Austrian Way

There’s no denying that I’m a bit jaded when it comes to Austria. Ten years (!!!) of coming back and forth have led me to stop noticing some things and take them for granted. That’s why it was fun for me to read a blog entry by a woman in Holland who’s recently returned from …

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Two Stories About Stolen Art

Austria has recently settled with Frau Altmann on the matter of five Gustav Klimt paintings. Sort of. Austria has agreed to return the paintings to Maria Altmann, but there’s dissent around a buy back program that would allow the Belevedere Museum to keep some of the famous works. From the Neue Zeicher Zeitung via Sign …

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