Lebkuchendorf = Gingerbread Village

For a reason that escapes me, the village of Spital Am Pyhrn decided it would be a good idea to replicate their village in gingerbread. While you may have all kinds of questions about their motivation, you can not for a moment discredit their magnificent delivery. I applaud this postmodern self referential installation! When you …

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Snowshoe Saturday

Jaysus, am I whupped. Today we did a snowshoe hike in the woods above Niederhofen. We made it halfway up the valley wall and gave in at the viewpoint. The coming storm – we could see it from the overlook – and the lateness of the hour made turning back The Right Thing To Do. …

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Sunny day skiing

We had an incredible afternoon ski yesterday. There are a handful of photos here.

Tiny Travel Stories

All those years of squeezing everything on to the back of a postcard are finally starting to pay off. I sold my second tiny piece to a travel newsletter out of Ireland. I’ll start the next one in a few weeks. I’m very pleased – not just for the sale, but because this one was …

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Fascists. I hate those guys.

A Fistful of Euros has an interesting discussion about a case in Germany where an earnest young person was fined for wearing a button with a swastika on it. Never mind that it was a “circle-slash” button, a piece of anti-racist/anti-Nazi propoganda. “In the eyes of this sort of German, the harm caused by the …

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Live Globally, Shop Locally

The other day we went to the Lidl to buy sunscreen – they carry a brand I like. The Lidl is a mid-sized market that seems to buy odd lots of things in bulk. It’s something in between a gourmet supermarket and a warehouse store, if you can imagine. It’s a good place to buy …

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