Color Theory

Section from a paiting by Johannes Itten: Fall.

At the time, that term of color theory seemed like a tedious slog, but I have come to appreciate how deeply those lessons affected how I see the world.

And here’s an Instagram exercise for you, too, if you play that way.

Travels with Harley the Dog: Portland Oregon

When left to his own devices at home, Harley the Dog curls up in one of his favorite napping places and contentedly snoozes away. If we’ve given him a chew stick (he loves these by Free Range Naturals), he’ll amuse himself for an hour, longer, and then take a nap. But harness the little guy …

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Travels with Harley the Dog: Eugene, Oregon

Harley sat in the back seat, panting. He was visibly upset and we had three more hours of driving to go. At the highway rest stop, we got out of the car and  walked him across a muddy grass field, as far away from the traffic as I could get. This was not far — …

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Explaining Donald Trump to Your Foreign Friends and Family

I love living in a globalized society. It means economical Japanese auto engineering, Oscar winning Chilean animation, woolly Irish sweaters… so many other good things the connected world gives us are available right here in my little American liberal ghetto. It means I have friends from France and New Zealand and Canada who show up …

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Portrait of the Artist as an (Older) Woman

ART OF RISK CoverA Conversation with Kayt Sukel, author of THE ART OF RISK

My friend, Kayt, has a new book coming out called The Art of Risk: The New Science of Courage, Caution, and Chance. The book discusses risk-taking at the intersection of science and the real world. Kayt asked me for real estate to promote her book and I’m wildly pro-Kayt. Plus, she made it easy, she asked if she could interview me about the idea of  risk and the role it plays in my life, and then, she sent me the transcript.

We had a conversation about creativity, dog ownership, and, oh yeah, risk of course.

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