Bumper Crop

Every year, I put tomato plants in the ground and every year I think this: Not gonna happen. I fret about how scrawny the plants are. I fret about what an apathetic gardener I am. I don’t water enough, I water too much, I don’t weed enough, I forget about the plants for days at …

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New Show in the Works

If you missed it last time at Verite, you’ll have another chance to see Die Wunder der Natur right here on Cap Hill. Yummy treats to be had at the new location, too. Baked goods, weird art. They go together like, um, baked goods and weird art. The show opens September 1 at North Hill …

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Vasona Park, 1973

L and I were little kids together. Maybe our families met at temple, I’m not really sure. While we did have the random Passover together, most of my memories are from days at the park feeding the ducks, big picnics with other families, and the night my youngest brother was born. L’s mom gave me …

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Blue Monday

Won’t you be my neighbor? I’m really sad. See, my neighbors are moving out. One of them left yesterday and the other one moves in a week or so. I live upstairs in a subdivided 1914 house and they’ve been living on the first floor. They have been the Best Neighbors Ever and I’m really …

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Rat Bastard

We’ve got a critter who arrives every day at 4am to eat my house. I’m pretty sure we didn’t approve the move in, but he shows up anyway and starts at it, first scrambling across the roof, then making his way through the walls, then setting to it somewhere around the upper southwest corner of …

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Stage Fright

SUPA picnic photos are here. Yesterday, I did something I’ve never done before. I got up in front of a whole bunch of people, played my ukulele, and sang. All By Myself. The audience? All nice folks. I know most of them, because it was the SUPA picnic open microphone. I’ve learned songs from and/or …

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