Photo Walks with Harley the Dog

Harley the Dog wants walking twice a day. This is, perhaps, more walking than a lot of dogs get and I tell Harley this when he seems sad. “Harley,” I say, “you get more walkies than many dogs I have met and you get company all day long and maybe you could take a minute …

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Q&A with Harley the Dog

Above:  Harley checks Instagram to see which dogs to follow and which hashtags are hot. Harley the Dog came from out of nowhere, seemingly, and he’s taken the world by storm. He’s regularly recognized at the local coffee house and people from around the planet send him hand knitted sweaters. Who is this wunderpup? Where …

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I’m 52 Today, Ask Me Anything.

I’ve been taking very straight, first thing in the morning self-portraits on my birthday for a few years now. Here’s 52.

The Only 2016 Hot List You’ll Need Is This One

Buckle up, kids, we’re about to be awash in lists of things that are hot for 2016 and, conversely, list of things that are out. Like kale, apparently kale is out, as is bashing millennials, and worrying about being fat. Worrying about being fat is SO LAST YEAR, friends, as is the Konmari method, hating …

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Lessons from One Month with Harley the Dog: A List

It doesn’t matter if you’re a little bit funny looking; if you wear a cute sweater, you will win people over. Some creatures experience the world by going out there and peeing on it. It’s not a very effective way of claiming territory, but they do it anyway. Make the effort to ask for what …

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Erickson Longboards

Last week I went to Ballard to interview Bill Erickson of Erickson Longboards for a story. We talked about skateboarding and salvaging materials and travel and Hawaii, specifically. When I called to set a date for the interview, he was standing at the Hilo Farmer’s Market, which was funny because I was there the following …

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