Grilled Perspective

I don’t know any soldiers, though I did have a roommate in college who was in the National Guard. We lost touch long ago, we had very little in common save our 1960s apartment, but I remember him fondly because in spite of our vast differences, he was a kind and considerate roommate. I remember …

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Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Do not, under any circumstances, go to Agua Verde on the first sunny night of the season. You will be last to be seated, you won’t get the agua fresca you want or maybe you will, you’ll be lectured for standing on the pier where the kayaks are. You will wonder if all of a …

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Water songs

Friday night, Quoc Te: Karaoke singer through the fish tank Sunday morning, Alki beach: kid with guitar and coffee. I like to think they’re both singing “Beyond the Sea.”

Jackson Street Crawl V

The cool thing about the Jackson Street Crawl is that no matter the quality of the food, the company is always excellent. This little byproduct of having fine friends that also like to eat was important this Friday at New Kowloon where the food was, well, unexceptional but the company? First rate. We opted for …

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Opening Day

By request, here’s a link to the work. I think they look good in the scans, but they look even better in person. I’m still all smiles about the opening of my show down at Cafe Verite. Lots of people showed up, we drank champagne, ate cupcakes and had coffee, and chattered about everything and …

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Show’s up!

Thanks to the help of only the finest in European gallery installation staff, my show went up nearly without a hitch yesterday. The staff, seen in the above photo, included an Austrian, known for their systems and efficiency, and a Brit, known for working without complaint. This particular Brit came with fancy cred as he …

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