Which tribe were the plumbers?

“What synagogue do you go to?” This is not usually the first question out of the plumber’s mouth, but not everyone’s plumber is Yuri. “I don’t go.” I said, but he didn’t really care about that so much. “It’s not possible to go every Friday. It’s just too much, really.” Yuri was on my porch …

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Road Trip!

The last movie I saw was Sideways. Sideways is, in a broad sense, about two guys that go on a road trip. Forgive the language, I fucking hated that movie. I hated the way that one guy never really made any amends for being a complete asshole, I hate the way the other guy just …

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Outsourcing my underwear

I’ve been shopping for underwear lately. And somehow, I got it in my head that I was going to buy American made underwear. See, I’ve been working on a piece about a sporting goods company that outsourced their manufacturing to China. And a few days ago, I talked to one of the smaller players in …

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Now in living color

Okay, it doesn’t hurt that we’re having an early spring. On top of that many of the houses in my neighborhood have recently concluded absolutely breathtaking renovations that must have set the owners back a prince’s ransom. In spite of, or perhaps because of, those two things I feel the need to shout out loud …

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My sorry #$$

I have a cold. This happens often when I make the trip this direction. An airplane is a flying metal canister full of germs. Plus, the climate change is so extreme – from bitter cold where nothing can live to a mild spring and festival of pollen – that my head is transformed into a …

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Premature Jetlag

I don’t know what day it is. Well, I do right NOW, I know it’s the 28th and it’s J’s birthday, but usually I don’t know what day it is or when I’m supposed to do stuff. You’d think this would be a problem, what with my working as a freelancer and all, but to …

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